Living To Serve Him

Our tithe message is “Pay It Forward”. We don’t take a traditional church tithe. The Lord provides for our needs through our generous and faithful volunteers.

“I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, β€˜It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35

These non-profits are local ministries that are “hands and feets of Jesus” operations, advancing the kingdom of God through their work in our community. Pray about where to pay it forward with your tithe. Here is a list of non-profits that Fallbrook Vineyard Church supports. If you think we have missed one, please contact us!

Fallbrook Food Pantry
Birth Choice Centers
Foundation For Senior Care
Hope Clinic for Women
Prison Fellowship
Destiny Rescue
Renewed Life
Protect Kids California
Samaritans Purse

Suggest a non-profit

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