As we approach the story of Cain & Abel, there are several dynamic characters in these two short action-packed chapters! To prepare for Sunday’s teaching, you’re encouraged to read Genesis 4 and 5. Put yourself in the story. Who and what do you identify with? What actions? What motives? What tendencies? What emotions? Join us Sunday 10AM @fallbrookvineyardchurch for worship and an engaging teaching from our friend, Pastor Jason Neese @neese4prez entitled “The Fall and Rise of the Family”.We will gather in the olive grove 🌳 Please remember to bring your chairs.The @thevineyard1924 is open so, let’s enjoy lunch and fellowship after church! #cainandabel#genesis#adamandeve#thefallofthefamily#genealogymatters#heartofworship#wordofgod#thewaythetruththelife#worship#prayer #praise#praisethelord#community #support #love#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch

2023-02-10T21:13:47+00:00February 10, 2023|

As we approach the story of Cain & Abel, there are several dynamic characters in these two short action-packed chapters! To prepare for [...]

Love the generous hearts of our Fallbrook Vineyard Church family! Thank you @laura.quaid for helping coordinate this collection and thank you @fallbrookfoodpantry for distributing to toes in need 🧦 Deuteronomy 15:7-8“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.”#toesinneed #fallbrookfoodpantry

2023-02-08T23:47:17+00:00February 8, 2023|

Love the generous hearts of our Fallbrook Vineyard Church family! Thank you @laura.quaid for helping coordinate this collection and thank you @fallbrookfoodpantry for [...]

Be careful who you listen to… Eve took advice from the devil even though she knew better. Then she blamed the devil for her sin! Adam blamed Eve for his sin and well, that didn’t work out so well. When we blatantly disobey God- it’s because we distrust God and think we know better than Him. Our rebellion points us to the very reason we need a Savior. Join us 10AM Sunday @fallbrookvineyardchurch as our friend, Brian Roush teaches from the second and third chapters of Genesis in a message entitled “From Perfect to Not So Perfect”. We will learn why God rested on the seventh day, how marriage is defined by God, and how Adam and Eve blew it. It’s a big meaty day of scripture! Jam after church (noonish)- bring your instruments and let’s fellowship around the music#thefall#adamandeve#theserpent#treeoflife#treeoftheknowledgeofgoodandevil#gardenofeden#inthegarden#wordofgod#worship#prayer #praise#praisethelord#community #support #love#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch

2023-02-04T00:02:02+00:00February 3, 2023|

Be careful who you listen to… Eve took advice from the devil even though she knew better. Then she blamed the devil for [...]

In The Beginning…… GOD!!!He is the Alpha, the Omega, the CREATOR. The. I. Am. This is HIS story. The author of the greatest love story ever told. Everything we need to know….He has revealed. He started this thing….and He promises to finish it! Let’s start at the very BEGINNING!Join us Sunday @fallbrookvineyardchurch with @katysmith2029 teaching us though Genesis 1-2 Rain or shine! We will be in the barn if it’s raining – bring your chairs. Bluegrass worship!! We will jam after church – bring your instruments and let’s fellowship around the music 🪕

2023-01-28T05:55:35+00:00January 28, 2023|

In The Beginning…… GOD!!!He is the Alpha, the Omega, the CREATOR. The. I. Am. This is HIS story. The author of the greatest [...]

Some of the most hotly contested chapters in the Bible these days are Genesis 1-11. Why? Because it’s truth. The rampant compromise of this truth has today’s church on a slippery slope to unbelief. Genesis reveals the who, what, where and why of literally everything. Through our multi-week study, we’ll get to know Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham & Sarah, Isaac, Joseph, Jacob & Esau, Rebekah, Lot and many more. Before we begin our exploration, let’s first understand our human nature and examine how our worldview is shaped. Join us Sunday @fallbrookvineyardchurch as we begin our journey through Genesis and get back to basics. Steph Baxter will be teaching. Reminder: We are still collecting socks for toes in need 🧦 See you Sunday!#genesis#godslove#backtobasics#worldview#biblicalworldview#creator#creation#inthebeginning#thefallofman#obedience#godspromises#judgement#redeeminglove#godoursuatainer#community#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch

2023-01-20T20:14:15+00:00January 20, 2023|

Some of the most hotly contested chapters in the Bible these days are Genesis 1-11. Why? Because it’s truth. The rampant compromise of [...]

Why, of all the books in the Bible, take time to study GENESIS? Simple answer: it’s time to get back to basics. Genesis reveals the who, what, where and why of literally everything. Bottom line— God created the universe because He loves us!Through our multi-week study, we’ll get to know Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham & Sarah, Isaac, Joseph, Jacob & Esau, Rebekah, Lot and many more. Our exploration will reveal much about our human nature and how our worldview is shaped. Join us next Sunday 1/22/2023 @fallbrookvineyardchurch as we begin our journey through Genesis.No church this Sunday due to the storm🌧️ The barn is full of vineyard equipment and fermentation tanks so, we praise God for the rain and keep one another lifted in prayer until we gather again next Sunday. Meantime, we encourage you to dig into Genesis and watch your heart be stirred by the wonders of our loving Creator!#genesis#godslove#backtobasics#creator#creation#inthebeginning#thefallofman#obedience#godspromises#judgement#redeeminglove#godoursuatainer#community#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch

2023-01-14T23:55:28+00:00January 13, 2023|

Why, of all the books in the Bible, take time to study GENESIS? Simple answer: it’s time to get back to basics. Genesis [...]

Fallbrook Vineyard Church Family!Oh how we have missed you! Let’s start 2023 with Prayer & Worship along with Communion and pot luck fellowship. Please bring a dish to share – there will be outlets available. Also please bring your own serving utensils. Paper products will be provided along with light refreshments. We’ll worship and spend time in prayer for salvation, our nation, schools, leadership and churches then, share in communion, food and fellowship! See you Sunday – 10am @fallbrookvineyardchurchPlease reply here with what you’ll bring and we can figure out the menu 🧦 We’re collecting socks for toes in need! #1 need for our homeless brothers and sisters are cotton socks. We are collecting until Jan 15. YOU ARE LOVED!

2023-01-14T23:55:27+00:00January 5, 2023|

Fallbrook Vineyard Church Family!Oh how we have missed you!  Let’s start 2023 with Prayer & Worship along with Communion and pot luck [...]

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