The gospel message is all about repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation to a God and Father who loves us and provides salvation to those who believe and receive.This week, in Genesis Ch. 42, we see how Joseph’s life story mirrors the gospel so beautifully. He and his brothers reunite. From a brother betrayed and sold into a slavery to an Egyptian Elite… this godly man gets an opportunity to rescue the family that despised and dumped him… A testimony that compels us toward repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. A true picture of the love and affection Christ has with his own!Join us this Sunday 10AM @fallbrookvineyardchurch as we continue our study through Genesis. @katysmith2029 will be teaching. Bring your bibles, chairs and friends! #gospel#repentance#forgiveness#bookofgenesis#jesus#thewaythetruththelife#thebible#hymns#prayer #lifeabundant#community #support #love#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch#fallbrookvineyardchurch#thevineyard1924