What if Christ returned today? You ready? His return will be sudden and terrible for those who don’t believe. Glorious for those who are spiritually alert and waiting on Him. OK- What should we do while we wait? Peter tells us there’s important work to do! God wants for ALL to be saved. Join us Sunday 10AM @fallbrookvineyardchurch as we wrap our study of Peters letters to us, the church. Our friend and Mexico missionary, Houston Yandell, will walk us through the rich truth of 2 Peter chapter 3. #growinchrist#repentandbesaved#dayofthelord #livinghope#fasleteachers#godsjudgement#absolutetruth#salvation#growinginfaith#faithinaction#holiness#baptism#immersion#aliveinchrist#christisenough#revival#repentance#wordofgod#worship#prayer #praise#praisethelord#community #support #love#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch