Abraham is central in both Old and New Testaments, known as a biblical patriarch and for his great faith. But did you know Abraham didn’t learn to walk by faith till he was an old, old man? The Bible doesn’t beat around the bush – we’re told the ugly truth about humanity which always points us to why we need Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Abraham (first Abram) began as a idol worshiper with family drama. Yet six times, God said to him, “I will”. God’s promises inspired ol’ Abram to step out in faith!Join us Sunday, 10AM @fallbrookvineyardchurch as Katy Smith will be teaching us from Genesis chapters 12 and 13 Bring your friends, chairs and bibles. #abraham#promisesofgod#fatherofnations#allscriptureisrelevant#jesus#thewaythetruththelife#thebible#worship#prayer #repentance#revival#lifeabundant#community #support #love#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch#thevineyard1924