Why study Genesis Ch 10? It’s just a bunch of names. Oohhh friends, Genesis Ch 10 is exponentially important and fascinating. So important that, we’re taking a step back into Ch 10 this Sunday because there’s TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF. Dave will teach a message titled, “who do you think you are?” Bring your chairs and bibles, this is gonna be good!#tableofnations #geneaology #ancestry #sonsofnoah
Why study Genesis Ch 10? It’s just a bunch of names. Oohhh friends, Genesis Ch 10 is exponentially important and fascinating. So important that, we’re taking a step back into Ch 10 this Sunday because there’s TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF. Dave will teach a message titled, “who do you think you are?” Bring your chairs and bibles, this is gonna be good!#tableofnations #geneaology #ancestry #sonsofnoah