VOTE NO on Prop 1Prop 1 would amend the California Constitution, and is the most egregious expansion of abortion this country has ever seen, especially after gov Newsom passed 13 new pro-abortion laws. One such bill, AB2223, decriminalizes infanticide and goes into effect Jan 1, 2023. California is a sanctuary of murder and death. The church CANNOT be silent on this! The matter of LIFE is not political. It’s biblical and moral. #sanctityoflife#wonderfullymade#prolife#righttolife#abortionismurder
VOTE NO on Prop 1Prop 1 would amend the California Constitution, and is the most egregious expansion of abortion this country has ever seen, especially after gov Newsom passed 13 new pro-abortion laws. One such bill, AB2223, decriminalizes infanticide and goes into effect Jan 1, 2023. California is a sanctuary of murder and death. The church CANNOT be silent on this! The matter of LIFE is not political. It’s biblical and moral. #sanctityoflife#wonderfullymade#prolife#righttolife#abortionismurder