Fishing was a major industry around the Sea of Galilee. Jesus called the disciples to fish for people with the same gusto as they fished for food. The gospel would be like a net, lifting people from darkness into light! Our nation is in trouble. We’re in a dark place and need God’s light and truth to bring us up & out. Join us Sunday 10AM @fallbrookvineyardchurch as our friend, @douglasvgibbs aka “Mr. Constitution” returns and shares with us from Mark ch 1. #fishersofmen#trustgod#biblehistory#absolutetruth#constitution#electionweek#salvation#growinginfaith#faithinaction#holiness#aliveinchrist#revival#repentance#wordofgod#worship#prayer #praise#praisethelord#community #support #love#familyofgod #outdoorchurch #organicchurch #outlawchurch #dogfriendlychurch